A woman leans over the bar with a ready smile as you take a seat. “Welcome to the tavern. What can I get yah?” The woman asks, settling on her elbows on the bar. “We’ve got things that’ll bring your world to the table (game design), help you forget about the aches and pains in your travel beaten body (massage), bring you to other worlds (author) and even make your own tavern shine like the beacon it should be (copywriting).”
You stare at the woman a little confused. You were looking for a copywriter, or a massage therapist, not this weird medieval tale… or maybe you were.
Welcome to Kat Walden Works LLC, where you’ll find a geeky fantasy storytelling massage therapist who can help ease those aches and pains that owning a business or just living day to day cause.
What In The World?
‘If you couldn’t guess by the flare for the dramatic, I’m the barkeep,’ I say with that conveniently ready smile. ‘Here’s the best part. I’m here to help you!’
Heyo, I’m Kat, The Geeky Copywriting Massage Therapist with a flare for storytelling.
Believe it or not, you’ve got your own flare and inner geek. And even if you don’t believe it, I’m sure the aches and pains of being stuck behind whichever dreaded 9-5 door has been wailing on you. That’s where I come in.
I’ll drop the flare to make things a little easier. Whether you’re looking for someone with copy, writing, or storytelling skills or are local to New Hampshire in need of a traveling massage therapist, we’re now best friends.
The Things You’ll Find
Throughout this site you’ll notice that there are a lot of directions to go. Here’s where you’ll be able to figure out which is right for you.
Owning your own Tavern (business) takes hard work and time. You should be able to sit back and reap the rewards, not be stuck fighting the fire giants of marketing mayhem. That’s where this geeky copywriter comes in.
Massage Therapy
When it comes to everyday adventuring, each stumble takes its toll. You should be able to relax especially after a difficult day or week. Let the therapist come to you so you can relax at home and not fight with the drive to and from the studio. That’s where this Massage Therapist comes in.
Game Design
Role-Playing Games are the epitome of fun, especially these days. While this process is rather complicated overall, the writing part should be enjoyable. You’re taking yourself and others on a journey to distant lands or alien planets. You shouldn’t have to stress over all the extra details by yourself. That’s where this world building Game Designer comes in.
Whether you’re wanting to tell your story or run away into a distant land, the storyteller welcomes you. Words are HARD! When you struggle with writing your own tale, (making it through life), sometimes you need help. That’s where this Storyteller comes in.
Step One
Settle on what you’re here for.
Now What?
Step Two
Notify me that you’re ready to begin.
Step Three
Let’s begin this epic story together.
Ask Me Anything
The Tavernkeeper
Let me pour you a tankard of ale. Pull up a chair my friend and let me tell you a tale. Not a fan of ale? I have plenty more options here.
I want to let you know something you’ll find is overstated. Life isn’t always champaign and roses. That’s how you found yourself here. You’re looking for someone to help you.
With my experience in copywriting, massage, and game design, I’m sure you’ll find my knowledge useful. Because every difficult challenge can be faced whether with a set of dice or someone to help put your words in order.
That’s what I’m here for friend. Now drink up and let’s get started!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Do You Charge For Copywriting?
I like to be upfront about Pricing. Throughout the Copy Side you’ll find there are varying prices on each of the projects I offer. I’m currently working on bundles too!
As of right now, my projects price from $50 to $800. It all depends on what you’re looking for! Check out The Copy Side for more information.
What Do You Charge For Massage?
You’ll find all my prices listed by session length on the Massage Side page. There’s your simple 1 hour session which costs $120 or a 90 minute session which costs $180.
I also offer chair massage in house for parties which is by event though the base is $120 for an hour of work. This does not include my travel fees however. Check out The Massage Side for more information.
What Are Your Books About?
Yes. :D
Each book has their own reason for being written. Mine explore personal growth, love - both self and others, learning to respect yourself and others, and much more.
While a lot of my characters are based on myself or others, (a lot of writers do this), the experiences that each character goes through is their own growth in various situations.
Check out the Author Page for more information on The Isgradine Trilogy and upcoming works.
What Do You Charge For Game Design?
While I prefer to be up front about pricing, this one varies project to project. Your best bet is to contact me or set up a free consultation.
A baseline for the writing portion is $0.10 per word. For layout is $5 per page of text. Check out The Gamer Side for more information and how to contact me.
Why Do You Offer All These Options?
Call me a jack of all trades. I started out as a massage therapist with a passion for writing. Now I’m a writer that has a passion for Massage Therapy.
In the end, it all boils down to one thing and that is because I enjoy helping people. I want to see everyone around me succeed.
That’s the perks of doing what I do now. I get to help you succeed in feeling better or in growing your business or just getting away from the world by inviting you into my fantasy realm.